Mechanical Engineer Licensure Exam-October 2007- List of Topnotchers

Mechanical Engineer Licensure Exam-October 2007-Instructions to successful examinees

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced yesterday that 1,133 out of 2,127 passed the mechanical engineer licensure examinations given by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila, Cebu, and Davao this October.

Registration for the issuance of professional identification card (ID) and certificate of registration will start on Wednesday, Oct. 24, but not later than Nov. 13. Successful examinees should personally register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The oathtaking ceremony of the successful examinees in the said examination as well as the previous ones who have not taken their Oath of Professional will be held before the Board in Manila on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 1 p.m. at the Fiesta Pavilion, Manila Hotel, One Rizal Park, Manila; in Cebu on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 4 p.m. at the Cebu International Convention Center, Mandaue City; and in Ilolilo City on Thursday, Nov. 29, at 5 p.m. at the Sarabia Manor Hotel and Covention Center, Iloilo City.

Registration for membership with the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Inc. (PSME) will start on Wednesday, Oct. 24.

Mechanical Engineer Licensure Exam-October 2007- List of Topnotchers

The successful examinees who garnered the 10 highest places are :

1. Jose Jonna Tohay Chavez of Cebu Institute of Technology, 92.95;

2. Jezreel Borlongan Magbanua of Bulacan State University (formerly Bulacan College of Arts & Trade), 91.55 ;

3. Abraham Argenio Magnawa, Technological University of the Philippines-Manila, 90.40;

4. Dexter Banteo Dincog, University of the East-Caloocan City, 89.95;

5. Jose Carlo Montañez Sorrosa, Technological University of the Philippines-Visayas 89.75;

6. Erwin Rosales Adarlo, Batangas State University-Batangas City, 89.10;

7. Kathleen Grishilde Mascarina Ong Tan, University of the Philippines-Diliman, 88.95;

8. James Marco Comia de Castro, Batangas State University-Batangas City, 88.80;

9. Rodrigo Conda Janaban Jr., Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila, 88.60;

10. Arwell Anthony Yee Real, Silliman University, 88.55.

The successful examinees who garnered the 10 highest places in the certified plant mechanic are:

1. Riolito Dagoc Castino of Mindanao Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC), 84.70 percent;

2. Paul Ian Baro Aninipot, Mindanao Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC), 81.10;

3. Jerome Abriol Paca, Mindanao Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC),80.90;

4. Allan Ray Amon Tanamal, Mountain View College, 79.75;

5. Michael Altarejos Madriguera, Philippine College of Science & Technology - Calasiao, 79.25;

6. Ronald Zapanta Gonzaga, Mindanao Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC), 77.65;

7.Saturnino Bagunu de Guzman Jr., Philippine College of Science & Technology - Calasiao, 77; Richard Boyd Sabuga-a Yacapin, Xavier University, 75.75;

8. Kenneth Jone Cajilla Abarca, Mindanao Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC) 74.85;
9. Eliezer Sumalhay Lingayon, Mountain View College, 74.85;

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